On February 7th, 2020, President Emmanuel Macron gave a speech on deterrence. The fundamentals of the doctrine have not changed. However, two usual components of nuclear policy are shifting – at least at the level of political communication. Firstly, the European dimension of deterrence translates into a concrete invitation, extended to partners who would be wishing to do so, to associate in deterrence-related exercises. Secondly, the articulation between conventional and nuclear becomes clarified. A connection is made at the political level, albeit without the creation of a continuum. Overall, as expected, this speech is political, but it also seems to claim to be more. The President of the Republic puts forward a disarmament agenda based on a realist perspective, taking into account the international context. He also develops an ethical thought on nuclear weapons, outlining a balanced path between “a moral absolute with no link to strategic realities” and “cynical return to a lawless power struggle.”