BORDER SEMINAR | The Moldova / Ukraine border
Mercredi 31 mars 2021
Border Seminar | Online
The Moldova / Ukraine border -
“Europeanizing a post-Soviet border: EU’s actions at the Moldova/Ukraine border”
IRSEM / INALCO - Mach 31th, 2021
The objective of this seminar cycle is to lead a reflection on borders in the Eurasian space understood "at large", and on case studies which are little discussed in academia. The purpose is to question major themes related to defense and security issues in the area - unresolved conflicts, competition for power, Russian pivot to Asia, militarization of the Arctic, through the lens of border dynamics. Emphasis will be placed on the dialogue between different scales, the local, the national and the global, to show that the study of one specific case can illustrate broader trends. The seminar will have an important international dimension as speakers come from various countries, and will try as much as possible to foster intellectual exchanges between scholars and practitioners. Proceedings of the seminar are planned to be published in the following year.
Speakers :
Mykhailo Minakov (Kennan Institute, Wilson Center) et Rosian Vasiloi (Directeur (ret.) de la police aux frontières de la République de Moldavie)
Contacts :
- Emmanuel DREYFUS (
- Mélanie SADOZAÏ (
- Dorian LEGER – Communication – (