Chercheur Invité
Wooyeal PAIK is associate professor at the Department of Political Science and International Studies, deputy director, Yonsei Institute of North Korean Studies, and Director, Center for International RelatiOns, Aerospace Strategy & Technology Institute at Yonsei University, Seoul. He is also a visiting fellow at Institut de recherche stratégique de l’École militaire (IRSEM), Paris and adjunct professor at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels. Prof. PAIK received a B.A. in political science from Yonsei University, a M.Phil. in public and social administration from City University of Hong Kong, and a M.A. and a Ph.D. in political science from UCLA. His recent research focuses on the interactions between domestic politics and international politics from global strategic perspectives as well as convergence of Indo-Pacific and Euro-Atlantic regions as well as key security dimensions (military, political, economic, technological, and environmental). More specific topics are NATO-AP4 relation and Korea-Europe defense industrial cooperation, China-Europe relations, and French foreign policy. He also tries to create a new field, politics of things to include forest and technology, while advising and working with multiple government branches such as Korean MOFA, National Assembly, Navy, Air Force, NSO, and Forest Service. (Homepage: