Visite of Matti Pesu, PIPA

On 23 November 2023, IRSEM had the pleasure to receive the visit from Matti Pesu, a think tanker working on the Euro-Atlantic security architecture of Finland.

Seminars "Information battles in digital spheres"

On November 7, IRSEM organized two seminars on this theme with Jean-Christophe Boucher of the University of Calgary.

Call for papers !

The Call for Papers for "Big Tech as an Actor of Security" is out!

Strategic Brief no. 62 - 2023

Information Warfare in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Visit of Mrs. Negoita, part of the “Personnalités d’Avenir Défense” (PAD) program

On October 3rd, 2023, IRSEM received Mrs. Liana Negoita, who is the Defense Policy director at the ministry of National Defense of Romania.

Strategic Brief no. 65 - 2023

US Withdrawal and European Strategic Autonomy.

IRSEM-College of International Security Affairs (CISA) Symposium

The first IRSEM-CISA (College of International Security Affairs) Symposium was held over three days at the National Defense University.

IRSEM Director Marjorie Vanbaelinghem's visit to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

From September 18th to 22nd, IRSEM’s Director Marjorie Vanbaelinghem went to Mongolia, where she took part in the Security Dialogue between France and Mongolia.

NESSI's annual conference in Germany

NESSI's (Network of European Strategic Studies Institutions) annual conference was held in Hamburg from September 19 to 21, 2023.

[Replay] Conference NATO-AP4-Korea relations in flux

On September 7, Wooyeal Paik, visiting fellow, organised a conference on NATO-AP4 tightening relations and mutual interests. The discussion is now available online!