Big Tech as an Actor of Global Security and Geopolitical Conflicts
Jeudi 02 mai 2024 - Vendredi 03 mai 2024

Jeudi 2 mai 2024 10h-17h30
Vendredi 3 mai 2024 9h30-17h30
Salle des conseils du Centre Panthéon, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas
May 2nd
10:00-10:45 - The Privatization of Covert Operations: Insights from the Research of the Citizen Lab
a keynote lecture by Ronald Deibert, Professor of Political Science, founder and Director of the Citizen Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto
10:45-11:15 - Coffee break @ Grand salon de l'appartement Décanal
11:15-13:15 - Panel 1 - Infrastructuring the Digital World: Privatization, Power and Digital Sovereignty (Chaired by Françoise Daucé, CERCEC EHESS)
Big Tech on the World Stage: Corporate or Foreign Affairs?
Zoe Jay Hawkins (Australian National University)
Cloud Wars on the Sea Floor? Explaining Submarine Cable Investments by Big Tech Companies
Olivier Chatain (HEC Paris)
QUIC, or the battle that never was: a case of re-infrastructuring control over Internet traffic
Clément Perarnaud (Vrije Universiteit) and Francesca Musiani (Centre internet et société, CNRS)
Trust, interrupted: the infrastructural power of Chrome at the CA/B Forum
Anneroos Planqué-van Hardeveld (University of Amsterdam)
Techno-Nationalism or Techno-Internationalism? The Development Pathway and Surviving Strategy of Huawei in Europe after the 5G Technology Turbulence
Zhan Zhang (University of Nottingham Ningbo China)
13:15-14:15 - Lunch break
14:15-15:00 - Big Tech and Civil Society - Friends or Foes?
a keynote lecture by Natalia Krapiva, Esq., Senior Tech Legal Counsel, AccessNow
15:00-15:30 - Coffee break @ Grand salon de l'appartement Décanal
15:30-17:30 - Panel 2 - Dealing with “Dangerous” Speech, between Surveillance and Censorship (Chaired by IRSEM)
Big tech platforms, digital transnational repression, and the globalized security risks of human rights defenders
Siena Anstis and Marcus Michaelsen (Citizen Lab, Munk School, University of Toronto)
Big Tech and Russian wartime censorship: Comparing state platform conflict dynamics of Russia’s platform bans
Mariëlle Wijermars (Maastricht University)
Security from a distance. The role of Big Techs in the fight against violent extremism in Iraq
Anne Bellon (UTC Compiègne)
The GIFCT hash-sharing database as Global Security Infrastructure
Gavin Sullivan (University of Edinburgh)
Big Tech, Algorithmic Content Moderation and the War of Terror
Valentine Crosset (Université de Genève) and Benoît Dupont (Université de Montréal)
Social Media Manipulation and Misinformation in Israel and Palestine
Nadah Feteih (Berkman Klein Center, Harvard University)
17:30-19:30 - Cocktail @ Grand salon de l'appartement Décanal
May 3rd
9:30-10:15 - The New Axis of Evil? Big Tech as Diplomatic Actors
a keynote lecture by Dr. Ilan Manor, lecturer at the Department of Communications at Ben Gurion University of the Negev, and member of Oxford University’s Digital Diplomacy Research Group
10:15-10:45 - Coffee break @ Salon jaune de l'appartement Décanal
10:45-12:45 - Panel 3 - The Global Geopolitics of Big Tech (Chaired by Zhao Alexandre Huang, Paris Nanterre University)
Digital Sovereignty in the Developing World: Between the US and Chinese Models of Governance
Galib Bashirov, Ihsan Yilmaz and Shahram Akbarzadeh (Deakin University)
Content delivery platforms’ data storage practices’ unintended spillovers on emerging countries’ Internet resilience: the case of Pakistan
Nowmay Opalinski (GEODE, Paris 8)
Jerusalem contested: Israel, Palestine and U.S Big Tech in the Holy City
Margherita Monti (Università di Bologna) and Davide Blotta (Università di Urbino "Carlo Bo")
Normative dislocation: how Brazilian militarism was left (un)moderated throughout the Brazilian elections of 2022
Emilie V de Keulenaar (University of Groningen) and Marcelo Alves Dos Santos Junior (Pontíficia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro)
Big Tech as Spyware Regulator
Natalie Davidson (Tel Aviv University)
12:45-13:45 - Lunch break
13:45-14:30 - Mediating Operational Images : Visibilizing the ‘Invisual’ in the Ukrainian War
a keynote lecture by Anna Leander, Professor of International Relations and Political Science, Geneva Graduate Institute
14:30-15:00 - Coffee break @ Grand salon de l'appartemment Décanal
15:00-17:30 - Panel 4 - Big Tech as an Actor of Contemporary Warfare (Chaired by Julien Nocetti, Advisor, digital and cyber affairs, Centre for analysis, planning and strategy (CAPS), French MFA)
Analysing the growing “infrastructural” role of platform corporations within warfare
Jasper van der Kist (University of Antwerp)
Platform Wars: Big Tech, the Power of Metaphors and the Future of Warfare
Marijn Hoijtink (University of Antwerp)
Big Tech Goes to War: Humanitarian Action in the Age of AI
Sarah W Spencer (DoveTail & University of Cambridge)
Platforms in war: A comparative analysis of the digital platforms in transnational conflicts
Matti Pohjonen and Mervi K Pantti (University of Helsinki)
Big Tech goes to war: Renegotiating the role of technology companies in global cybersecurity politics
Tobias Liebetrau (University of Copenhagen) and Jeppe Jocobsen (Royal Danish Defence College)