Russian foreign policy in the Middle East: a view from China

Thursday 18 January 2024


China and the "protection of its overseas interests: projecting Chinese security forces abroad

January 18th - 4:00 am to 05:30 pm

Irsem - Military School - Amphi Moore

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As Sino-American competition and Russo-American tensions continue to rise, many believe that China and Russia have established an increasingly well-coordinated division of labour to undermine the United States. Yet, this discussion has long neglected the analysis of Sino-Russian relations in the Middle East despite the importance of that region.

The seminar investigates how Russian actions there are perceived in China through the analysis of the debate among Chinese foreign policy experts. Russia is seen as an opportunistic actor whose behaviour is only partially consistent with Chinese interests. However, problems related to China’s own Middle East policy and the pressure caused by the rivalry with the United States in Asia greatly limit China’s capability to adopt a more assertive approach.

With Andrea Ghiselli

Andrea Ghiselli is Professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University, Shanghai. He supervises the ChinaMed research project on China in the Mediterranean. His research focuses on Chinese foreign policy and China's relations with the Middle East.


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