China and the "protection of its overseas interests": projecting Chinese security forces abroad

Wednesday 17 January 2024


China and the "protection of its overseas interests: projecting Chinese security forces abroad

January 17th - 9 am to 12:30 pm

Irsem - Military School - Amphithéâtre de Bourcet 

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Protecting Chinese interests abroad now systematically involves and justifies the international deployment of China's military and police forces. The involvement of military forces (People's Liberation Army/ PLA and People's Armed Police/PAP) in the protection of China's interests abroad has been a subject of debate since Jiang Zemin (1993-2003), and has developed under the leadership of Hu Jintao. It is based on a vision of security that extends to non-traditional threats and on strategies for involving military forces in Military Operations Other Than War (MOTOW). Military forces are not the only means used by Beijing to protect its interests overseas. China secures its interests through the international projection of its police forces, which takes the form of both police cooperation and Chinese extra-territorial operations.

Andrea Ghiselli, author of a major work on this issue: Protecting China's Interests Overseas. Securitization and Foreign Policy, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021.


Dr. Andrea Ghiselli : "Changes and Continuity in China’s Approach to the Protection of its Interests Overseas."

Dr. Ilaria Carrozza : "Protecting Chinese Interests amid Great Power Competition: How China Extends its Influence through Military Training and Technology Exports".

Dr. Carine Pina : “Chinese Military Operations other than War” and the protection of Chinese Citizens and Interests overseas.

Presentation of the participants

-Andrea Ghiselli is an Assistant Professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University in Shanghai. He is also the Head of Research of the ChinaMed Project of the TOChina Hub in Italy. His research interests include Chinese foreign policy and China’s relations with the Middle East.

-Ilaria Carrozza is a Senior Researcher at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). Her research focuses on understanding how China uses a variety of tools to extend its influence abroad and challenge the existing world order. Her current research covers topics such as China's foreign policy; dual-use technology and artificial intelligence; great power competition; and the Digital Silk Road. Her broader research interests include China’s engagement in Africa and Asia, the Belt and Road Initiative, South-South cooperation, and the international order.

- Carine Pina is a researcher at IRSEM on China. She works on the economic, social and strategic aspects of China and its international relations, with a particular focus on Chinese international migration and its links with China's international expansion, including security aspects.


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