Seminar | French-Japanese views on hybrid threats

Lundi 03 février 2020


The question of hybrid warfare is usually studied in the context of NATO's geographic scope. Much less of our attention about this phenomenon is drawn towards the rest of the world. Yet, Asia is a land of intense practice of multiple types of hybrid warfare such as irregular warfare, information warfare, gray zone warfare and cyber warfare. It therefore provides numerous interesting case studies that could improve our understanding of this multifaceted concept.

The Japanese National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS) and IRSEM join hands to explore the question of hybrid threats in Asia from both French and Japanese points of view. Divided into two panels, this seminar will first discuss the theoretical debates around this concept in Asia, mainly looking at the Japanese, Chinese, North Korean and Russian perspectives, and then present some particular case studies.


Seminar | IRSEM-NIDS French-Japanese views on hybrid threats

February 3rd, 2020  | École militaire
2:00 to 4:00 pm

Le séminaire se déroulera en anglais.



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  • 14h00 Introduction

    Jean-Baptiste Jeangène-Vilmer, director of the IRSEM

  • 14h10 Panel 1 – Hybrid threats: perceptions and definitions

    Moderator: Dr. Elie Tenenbaum, Research Fellow, IFRI

    - Dr. Yamazoe Hiroshi, Senior Research Fellow, National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS)
    - Dr. Kevin Limonier, Lecturer, Paris 8 University
    - Dr. Théo Clément, Postdoctoral Researcher, EHESS

  • 15h15 Panel 2 – Case studies in hybrid threats

    Moderator: Dr. Paul Charon, Head of the Intelligence and Strategic Foresight Programme, IRSEM

    - Dr. Masuda Masayuki, Senior Fellow, National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS)
    - Dr. Maud Quessard, Senior Research Fellow, IRSEM
    - Cdr Marianne Péron-Doise, Senior Research Fellow, IRSEM

  • 16h00 Conclusion





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