WORKSHOP | Transatlantic Relations in an Era of Renewed Great Power Competition

Mardi 29 juin 2021


Workshop | Online

Organised by IRSEM

Transatlantic Relations in an Era of Renewed Great Power Competition

June 29th, 2021

Great Power competition is back. This has consequences for several key dimensions of contemporary world politics, including transatlantic relations. In today’s world, it has become impossible to understand the present and future of the ties that bind the US and Europe without analyzing the growing competition between the US and China. This workshop explores this interconnection. It will analyze how key sectors of transatlantic relations are impacted by competition among the Great Powers.

This workshop will be organized around two panels. The first will address the role of various state and non-state actors in this contest, including US domestic actors, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and the European Union. The second panel will closely examine economic and trade relations, the defense industry, technology, and intelligence cooperation.





Contacts :


- Dorian LEGER – Communication – (


Contact :
01 44 42 48 51

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