NATO-AP4-Korea Relations in Flux
Jeudi 07 septembre 2023

Conference NATO-AP4-Korea Relations in Flux
École militaire - Amphitheater Sabatier
East Asia and Oceania are looking to Europe in the military-strategic dimension. The AP4 (four Asia-Pacific partners; Japan, Korea, Australia and New Zealand) want to boost ties with NATO even as strengthening relations with the AP4 (four Asia-Pacific partners) forms an important aspect of the NATO 2030 agenda. Korea has proactively joined this diplomatic effort, a foreign policy initiative that unprecedentedly bold for Korea. This series of political action already bring Korea and the other three upper-middle powers multiple consequences—both positive and negative—which will only increase in number and magnitude. This conference deals with their perspective and compulsion for strengthening ties with NATO as the world experiences a convergence of regions (Indo-Pacific and Euro-Atlantic) and security dimensions (military, economy, technology, political regime) driven by the U.S., China, and other significant powers, and the other way around.
Format: Online and Offline Hybrid
Presenter: Wooyeal Paik (Yonsei University, IRSEM)
Moderator: Marjorie Vanbaelinghem (IRSEM)
Discussant: Celine Pajon (IFRI)